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Periodontal Care
Spokane, WA

We understand that periodontal care is not at the top of anyone’s list. When you say periodontal care, it isn’t very sexy, like teeth whitening. However, periodontal care is important to the health of your gums. While you may only think about your gums every once in a while, we think about them all the time. Your gums are very important to the overall health of your teeth and jaw. Give Smile More Spokane Family Dentistry a minute to tell you about why periodontal care is so important.

What Does Periodontal Care Mean?

So, we know periodontal is a funny-sounding word. Periodontal means the structures that surround and support your teeth. While you might think the most important part of your mouth is your teeth - we are here to tell you that they aren’t. It’s true that teeth are important. You can’t chew without teeth. But your gums are more important than your teeth. Without your gums, your teeth would have nothing to hold on to. They would fall out of your mouth. You can have the healthiest teeth in the world, but without your gums, your teeth can’t chew.

Why Should I Worry About My Gums?

You need to worry about your gums. If you don’t take care of them, they can become diseased and infected the way that your teeth can. Bacteria make holes in your teeth over time without proper dental care. Those holes in your teeth can eventually lead to tooth day, cavities, and tooth loss. You might even need a root canal, and a crown on the diseased tooth to protect it. But your teeth are not the only ones that suffer from excess bacteria.

Your gums can suffer as well. If you let plaque or tartar build-up on your gumline, those bacteria in your mouth can cause your gums to redden and swell. Over time, that bacteria creates pockets in between your teeth and your gums. If your gums get infected, you can lose gum tissue - and eventually, you can lose your teeth. However, one of the most common reasons people get dentures or Dental Implants is because of their gums with gum disease.

If you are careful with your teeth, you can prevent a lot of the issues with gum disease. If you practice good oral hygiene, and you brush and floss, you are protecting your gums because you are brushing away bacteria. Keeping regular dental appointments helps us to keep an eye on your gums and make sure they are in good shape.

How To Get Good Periodontal Care

Come and visit us, of course - that way we can make sure you are getting good periodontal care. We check your teeth and your gums at the same time. If you have been noticing problems with your gums, such as bleeding gums, let us know. You also need to let us know when you notice your gums are bleeding, such as when you brush your teeth or floss.

Also, if you start to notice that you have other signs of gum disease, you need to let us know. Are your teeth loose? Do they appear longer? We can measure your gum depth when you come to see us. Receding gumlines are a sign of gum disease. If you still have questions with periodontal care, give Smile More Spokane Family Dentistry a call at (509) 505-6303.
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Periodontal Care Spokane, WA | Smile More Spokane Family Dentistry
Gum disease can have a huge impact on your overall health and oftentimes goes unnoticed. Give Bryan Hill, DDS a call today to learn more about it: (509) 505-6303.
Smile More Spokane Family Dentistry, 9671 North Nevada St. ste. 200, Spokane, WA 99218-1146 \ (509) 505-6303 \ \ 9/12/2024 \ Page Terms:dentist Spokane WA \