[[[pic:Colorful-toothbush-held-by-color-matching-brunette-woman.jpg|200||right|TPimgRight|How to Care for Your Toothbrush]]Oral hygiene is not all about brushing and flossing your teeth. It is also about taking good care of your toothbrush to avoid gum infections, tooth decay, and cavities. If toothbrushes are neglected, they tend to host several bacteria that can injure your teeth and gums. Even if you frequently go to the dentist, you still need to care for your toothbrush to ensure your efforts to maintain dental health are not in vain. Here are some of a few tips on how to take care of your toothbrush:
Rinse Your Toothbrush After Use
It is essential to always rinse your toothbrush after cleaning your mouth. Remember, your toothbrush comes into contact with every part of your mouth. This is why you need to clean them thoroughly to ensure all the bacteria are completely removed. Apart from that, toothpaste always resides at the bottom part of the bristles. It is advisable to take a few minutes to ensure all the toothpaste has been rinsed off.
Do Not Share Your Toothbrush With Anyone
Even though you have been told this several times, it is an important point to keep in mind. If you feel you might easily confuse your toothbrush with your family members, keep your toothbrush separate to avoid spreading germs and oral bacteria that cause gum infection.
Keep Your Toothbrush Dry
Your toothbrush should always be dry because moisture can encourage bacteria growth. The best way to do this is to use a toothbrush stand to ensure it dries off after you have already used it. Also, cover your toothbrush when you travel as it might easily mix with your other belongings, causing your toothbrush's bristles to carry small particles. This might increase the risk of contracting an oral infection.
Replace Your Toothbrush
Avoid using a toothbrush for more than three months. Sometimes, it might be hard to remove all the bacteria from the toothbrush since the bristle has already worn off.
For more tips on how to take care of your toothbrush, call our dental clinic today. Our dentist will also advise you on the best toothbrush to use.
Smile More Spokane Family Dentistry, 9671 North Nevada St. ste. 200, Spokane, WA 99218-1146 • (509) 505-6303 • spokanefamilydentistry.com • 1/14/2025 • Related Terms: dentist Spokane WA •